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Self-care habits I inculcated this year for my productive life routine

Self-care is anything you do to feel special, loved, and cared for by yourself. Everyone has different self-care practices or activities. Self-care is usually the most important thing we notice, but it's the most ignorant.

I've been in a constant battle to keep my feet on the desk while working full-time. Working and taking care of myself were two tasks that I can't seem to balance, but I really tried to listen to my body this year and make some changes that ended up changing my life.

In my personal experience, taking a few minutes to yourself is a push-stop button. I have to remind myself how big and beautiful the world is. Find what works for you and create a plan that puts you first.

1. Prioritize sleep

In our busy lives, we never take our sleep cycle seriously. It is better to make your life a routine before going to bed. Our way of life will evolve in a positive direction if we understand our physical clock and live accordingly. I adopted a free zone for 1 hour of electronic media access before bed. Nowadays, the sleep function is also available on phones to keep proper track of it.

2. Schedule Quiet Times

Sometimes moments of calm are necessary for self-awareness and pauses to increase our effectiveness in enjoying peace when living it. We all know its importance, but we mistakenly make a timeline of it. I made my quiet time to recharge my batteries and have more fun. It comes down to wanting to schedule it once or twice a week and so on.

3. Reading

For me, reading is more powerful than other forms of entertainment. Help us know and learn new things, 15 minutes a day gets me somewhere. Last year, I combined 15 minutes of reading with the habit of journaling. I could read 10 books a year, which I thought was impossible for me. Believe me guys, you can feel the difference between your personality and your lifestyle.

4. Take care of yourself

Pampering is doing something that makes you happy. It not only relaxes our mind and body, but makes us happy inside. It could be another way to take care of yourself and love yourself.

5. Habit of self-reflection

We always think of making comparisons with others without verifying that there is a common base. As a result, not only does it give us false expectations, but it also lowers our morale and confidence. Self-reflection is a fair way to compare yourself in the present with yourself in the past.

Am I better today than yesterday?

6. Make Connections, Maintain Connections

It is best to give valuable time to nurture our contacts with special people and loved ones at least once a week. Maintaining links is more important than making new ones. I tried this last year and it really makes my life different. How much do relationships affect our lives, both personally and professionally? So give them the space and value they deserve.

7. Affirmations of Self-Love

Improving yourself by practicing self-love affirmations is the best way to heal. It boosts your value and lowers your panic and stress value. It makes you worthy in your eyes.

8. Practice active listening

Active listening is the tool of the mind. I applied for this good active listening practice a year ago and I can feel the same. First, decide between active listening and focused listening. The targeted listener transitions to the active listener by following the simple process: focus on the voice and words of the speakers; explain to him; Confirm the speaker's intent and validate your understanding with the explanation above.

9. Recognize your new talents and skills

Self-care doesn't mean honing the skills you have. For me it also includes getting to know our skills and talents and this is only possible when we explore new things or gain knowledge about any area that is new to us. I have realized that when I have time to stop, I can find new interests and skills that I can work on and master.
