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How to make better your life healthy

As the world teeters and crumbles under the weight of COVID-19, more than anything else, “good health” has emerged as the clear winner of all other life goals. Not that it's a guarantee against future uncertainties, but it certainly improves your chances of getting through it. Even though everyone aspires to be healthy, the sad truth is that leading a healthy life has become one of the most difficult disciplines to pursue in the current era. With our daily routine influenced by precarious jobs, junk/processed foods, smart devices, lazy couches, screens, and automation, it is nearly impossible to ward off disease. It takes serious effort to stay physically active. We have to push ourselves out of our comfort zones (every day) to lose some calories.

So now ask yourself the question - how can we maintain good health? Well, there is N no. There are tips and tricks that can be adopted to stay in that green zone, but like I said, it takes serious effort to do all of these. Also, you don't want to give up the pleasures of life (candy, fast food, caffeine, alcohol). I love all of those! So I indulged in all of that. After all, it's just a life we ​​all have :)

So, based on my experience and the experiences I have had with my lifestyle, let me share with you 7 simple tips that can help you maintain a good health quotient –

1. Get up early

There is a lot of literature that talks about the many benefits of getting up early. Increased productivity, better metabolism, better mental health, increased motivation levels, more time for myself and I could go on. It all adds up to make you a healthy, energetic, and focused person. For many people, this is the most difficult thing, but I can tell you that there is no comparable pleasure in getting up early. To learn more about the benefits of getting up early, please see this

2. Drink lukewarm water

I cannot stress this enough. A healthy gut is the most important factor that can make or break your day. Drinking a glass or two of warm water in the morning is good for the stomach and intestines. It activates the digestive system, detoxifies it, and maintains the pH balance. In fact, you should drink it throughout the day. A healthy gut will keep your energy levels high and go a long way in ensuring good health. I've been using lukewarm water for 10 years now and it's magic.

3. 30 minutes of exercise every day

This is essential. Whenever you can take 30 minutes out of your day (preferably in the morning), exercise. Your lungs, heart, and brain need the anesthetic of oxygen every day to survive. Also, your muscles need flexing to stay strong. You can break it down into 10 minutes of jogging, 15 minutes of regular exercise, and 5 minutes of breathing. Good exercise improves your physical, mental, emotional, and psychological health. I only ask for 30 minutes of your day!

4. No soda please (strictly no!)

Soda is anything but healthy! It adds an incredible amount of sugar to your body, reduces insulin resistance, damages your teeth, produces toxins, disrupts digestion, causes weight gain, cardiovascular problems, etc. Just eliminate this thing from your diet. If you are addicted to it, withdrawal symptoms will appear but it is worth it. I would suggest having a glass of wine rather than a can of soda. Or replace it with lime water, lime honey, or just plain water. Do this for two weeks and you will feel the difference.

5. Dinner before 6 p.m.

I think this is the most serious cause of weight gain, which in turn causes many diseases. When you fall asleep soon after eating, your body struggles to digest and metabolize food, leading to toxin production, digestive issues, acid reflux, and general mental discomfort. On the other hand, if you allow 3-4 hours of the interval between dinner and bedtime, you will feel lighter in bed (sometimes I am hungry again) and you will wake up cheerful the next morning. You will have a better metabolism, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of chronic diseases, etc.

6. 8 hours of sleep

I suck at this, but every time I manage to get a long sleep, that day is noticeably different from every other day. Running with a persistent lack of sleep will lead to decreased productivity, poor memory, angry mood, weight gain, an unhealthy heart, and much more. Now flip those things over and you've got a long list of incredible health benefits of a good night's sleep. I envy my friends who can't get up 8 hours earlier!

7. Stay alkaline

Well, we're talking about good health here, so how can we exclude healthy eating? All body functions are directly affected by what we eat or don't eat. One of the critical indicators of body health is the pH level. The idea is to maintain a balanced pH level. Although our body has enough mechanisms to stay healthy, an alkaline diet can still help a lot in the process. In other words, eat plant foods (green vegetables and fruits) as often as possible. All these elements have an alkaline effect inside our body. Processed Foods - Apart from the taste, it has many undesirable safeguards for our body. One of them has an acidic effect. I therefore strongly recommend eating a vegetarian meal each day (preferably dinner). Your belly will give you a height of five!

Remember - a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.
