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9 simple ways to bring more joy into your life

Writing by Nicole Antoinette touched me. I always pretend to want more joy, but often don't give myself the permission, time, and space to fully experience it.

This becomes evident during the frenzy of holidays, shopping, discounts, freebies, and exciting opportunities not to be missed. And part of our desire to buy comes from our desire to feel the joy of acquiring new beautiful things. What if we got it all back?

What if the social pressure to own more and more causes us to seek joy in the wrong places, while draining our finances, polluting the environment, and trapping us in chaos?

What if instead of looking for fun in endless new games, we worked on joy skills first?

What if we just stop following things and goals and allow ourselves to be there and feel the joy?

That's what this article is about - simple practices that will get your muscles working for joy. It takes little time, costs nothing, and can be done anywhere, anytime. These are simple changes of mind that will help you experience and deepen your joy here and now.

Let's start.

1. Focus on something fun for more than 20 seconds

We are equipped to notice threats because that is what has helped us survive for thousands of years. Survival of the fittest often means survival of the most anxious. Unfortunately, this negative thought pattern is present even when we do not witness immediate danger. We have to give ourselves an extra push to notice the beauty, otherwise, it often slips under the radar.

Valerie Raine suggests in Parental Stress Disorder that because of our negative biases, positive experiences should stay in the mind a bit longer, for 20 seconds or more, if possible. Whether you're reaching for Christmas lights, enjoying your coffee, or taking a hot shower, focus on the extended pleasure and let it really sink in.

2. Replace FOMO with JOMO

One of the main reasons why joy destroys is our tendency to always overcome our experiences and seek something new, wonderful, and better. Isn't it all about scrolling on social media? Practice absorbing positive experiences by slowing down. We ride in fifth gear all the time so we don't miss anything (it's FOMO) but ironically we miss because we're going too fast.

Instead of FOMO, try JOMO - the joy of being lost.

Jump practitioners recognize that to be fully present in one experience, we must miss many others. It's good. Don't miss Reddit discussions about time spent with loved ones. Don't run out of drinks downtown and enjoy a fun book wrapped in a blanket. Losing is not a tragedy, it is a source of joy.

3. Cut the input of information - into your physical and emotional body

Joy is an emotional and deep experience. Because most of us live in our minds rather than our bodies, and because we dismiss our feelings as a liability, we are in no condition to experience joy. A major contributor to such a mindset is our relentless supply of information: breaking news, social media updates, trivia, articles. Our minds are overloaded and our bodies and emotions are neglected.

The first step is to cut out the information. Put away your phone, turn off the TV in the background, and go for a walk without listening to a podcast or scrolling through Instagram. Let your mind cleanse and check in with your body. take a deep breath. To feel joy, you need to stop overthinking and be present with yourself.

4. Recognize your perfection here and now

Now you may have problems. You might know how screwed up the world is. You may be really worried about the future. But here and now, right now, you might be fine.

I guess if you are reading this you are probably in a safe and comfortable environment, have comfortable clothes, and are sitting in a nice chair. In other words, the present moment, without trips to the past or expectations for the future, is a good place to be. Here, now, you are fine, and here now, where your joy lies. Allow yourself to embrace the fullness of the present moment and all the joy that comes with it. you're good. You can be more than OK.

5. Come to your senses

A common exercise for entering the creative space is to rediscover your senses.

  • What do you see?
  • what is and you hear?
  • What smells do you smell?
  • What taste do you feel?
  • What are you touching?

Checking with the five senses is a very fun exercise.

Enjoying the beautiful color of a cup or a fire, the sound of music or the crackling of a fire, the aroma of cinnamon, the taste of coffee, the softness of a jacket - these are all simple experiences that, if you focus on them, can instantly bring you to a state of joy. Small moments, color and sound, pleasant smells, deep experiences are nothing trivial - it's your unique, beautiful, and unique life. Look at this. Enjoy it.

6. Allow yourself to feel joy

As mentioned in the first quote, often what separates us from our joy is permission and allows us to feel it. Pay attention to your self-talk when you want to experience joy. What's the matter? Do you tell yourself to hurry up to accomplish something fruitful, that joy is trivial, that you have to look for something else, that you are bored, and that you still have a lot to do?

We are often our own worst enemies and toughest bosses.

Joy is not trivial - it is spiritual nourishment that we crave and that gives us a pleasant and meaningful life. You didn't come here just to pay the bills and die. You came here to experience life and enjoy the full spectrum of being human. Prioritize joy.

7. Breathe

The simple and fundamental activity that we do all the time, consciously or unconsciously, is breathing. It is the key to mindfulness and an essential component of yoga and many other spiritual practices. The change in breath can shift our energy at any time, help us process our feelings and be present. Breathing is always available (and necessary, of course) and is an inherently fun activity. No matter where you are or what you're planning to do, taking a few deep, nourishing breaths can bring you happiness. Plus, you'll be transported to the here and now, where you can find even more fun.

8. Make everyday activities more enjoyable

With a few simple tweaks, any activity you do can be made more fun and enjoyable. You can complain about having to clean your house or you can play your favorite music and do it with joy. You can dread your Zoom board meeting, or you can grab a cute coloring book and enjoy the beautiful shapes and colors while listening to updates from your colleagues.

Joy is often a reflection of a situation rather than the circumstances or the activity itself. At any time, you can choose joy and find creative ways to access it.

9. Take advantage of what you already have

Instead of buying a new gadget with one click or getting caught up in another sale, take a good inventory of all the cool stuff you already have and have fun.

  • Clothes you haven't worn in years
  • The beauty products you only use on special occasions
  • A box of orzo pasta waiting for the perfect pasta salad recipe
  • Unread books on the shelf or Kindle
  • The benefits of your digital subscriptions that you forgot

...and the list goes on and on. It's about attitude and seeing old things with new eyes. When you want what you already have, joy and happiness are yours. You have reached your destination. our end.

Your turn. What activities and strategies have brought you joy during this season? Share your comments below and let's continue the conversation.
