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7 Essential Rules for a Happy Life

What makes people happy? The truth is, people can spend their whole lives trying to find an answer to this question. Additionally, many try to buy their happiness with material possessions, as well as seek out other elusive things to try to make them happy. However, what makes most people the happiest in life has nothing to do with money, things, or even personal circumstances. Instead, true happiness comes from within you - no matter how much or how much you have in terms of wealth and material possessions. In short, here are the unofficial rules for a happy life.

1. Make peace with your past

The number one rule to living a happy life is to not let your past keep you from feeling happy - especially if it's filled with unpleasant memories that make you unhappy just thinking about it. Learn to forget those unpleasant memories. Learn to forgive others who have wronged you in the past. Even if they don't deserve forgiveness, forgive them for your future happiness. You will never be happy in the future as long as you refuse to come to terms with your past.

2. Stop worrying about what other people think of you.

You will never be very happy in life as long as you care about what other people think of you. This is especially true if you are a fun person and are more interested in making those around you happy than yourself. The truth is, there are some people who will never be happy no matter how hard you try to please them. Also, you shouldn't worry about what other people think of you. It's your life! Make the decisions that are best for you rather than trying to make decisions based on the opinions of others. If you stop and think about it, do most people you know to care what you think of them - especially when it comes to their happiness?

3. You are the only person responsible for your happiness

There's only one person in the world responsible for your happiness - and that's you! Just as you can't spend your life trying to make others happy, neither can you expect others to be responsible for your happiness. You must make a conscious effort each morning to remind yourself that you will not allow anyone – or unpleasant circumstances – to put you in a bad mood. You have to learn to take things - especially unpleasant ones - in your stride. Additionally, you are responsible for setting and achieving goals that can help you achieve the success and happiness you desire in life.

4. Stop comparing your life to others

One of the main reasons many people are unhappy is because they compare their life to someone else's who they consider being a better or happier life. The truth is, you don't know how happy or unhappy another person really is about how things might look for you. Think of this expression: “You can't really understand another person until you walk a mile in their place. Well, the same can be said when it comes to judging someone else's true "happiness". Honestly, you don't know. Therefore, you should focus more on your own life and how you can improve it, rather than trying to compare yourself to others.

5. Time heals (almost) all wounds

You probably know the old adage "time heals all wounds". There is a lot of truth in this expression. Over time, many of your painful memories will begin to feel less painful. You will probably find it easier to forgive others who may have wronged you. Time can also help heal a broken heart from a failed relationship. You might even be able to catch up with a friend or family member you had a fight with.

6. Don't be upset when you don't have all the answers

No one has all the answers in life - even the smartest people in the world. So when you encounter a problem without an immediate and clear solution, don't let it make you unhappy. However, that doesn't mean you have to live your life without solving the major issues you're facing. Instead, you should learn where to find the answers when you don't know them. For example, let's say you are a new entrepreneur. You will probably come across many questions about managing your company whose answer you will not know. By looking for a mentor - someone with a lot of business experience - you can find someone who will likely know the answers to many of the questions you might have about your new business.

7. Don't try to own/solve all the problems in the world

Finally, just as you won't be able to solve every problem that arises in your life, you certainly shouldn't expect to be able to solve other people's problems either. Remember that the world is an imperfect and often unfair place. While it's normal to feel sad when you see others struggling — especially when you really want to help them — you can't let that take away your happiness. You need to understand that sad or unfair things will always happen to your loved one. The truly happiest people in life are able to see the good in things, as well as help those around them see the well in their life.

In short, the old adage that "money doesn't buy happiness" is true. True happiness is learning to find contentment in your life. You must learn to let go of the bitter feelings that make you unhappy. Forgive those who have wronged you in the past, to enjoy a happier future. Don't live to make others happy, nor expect others to live to make you happy.
