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7 Habits That Constantly Drain Your Energy (And How To Fix It)

Energy is the ability to do work.

You and I need a certain level of physical, mental, and emotional energy to function at all times.

But energy is a finite resource. Reduces the volume we use. This explains why we sometimes feel tired, tired, and exhausted.

When you run out of energy, your job is done. Grounded!

In the morning, when your energy level is high, you can make decisions faster and better. Often, decision fatigue begins to set in because your mental resources are dwindling.

Physical exhaustion and emotional exhaustion can also result from the same cause.

So protecting yourself from activities that drain your energy and tire you out can be the key to improving your productivity, happiness, and success.

However, more than anything else, our habits are often what drains our energy, make us less productive and unhappy.

1. Strive to please others

It's very stressful trying to prove yourself to others, whether it's your boss, your wife, your teacher, or your parents.

When you strive to be in people's good books and make them happy, you will always make yourself miserable.

Because all of your actions are driven by the need to fulfill someone else's expectations and desires.

While kindness and support can help you maintain healthy relationships with others, make sure you don't do it to gain their approval.

It's a dangerous path that always drains your energy, makes you neglect your own needs, and leaves you unhappy and chronically stressed.

what do you want to do?

Know your boundaries, set clear boundaries, and then communicate those boundaries.

Realize that relationships are all about giving and taking, and be firm in saying no when you're not ready for something.

2. Excessive self-criticism

Constantly criticizing and judging yourself can be stressful. It often results from a poor self-image and a sense of unworthiness.

When you think you're not uplifting in some way, like you feel like you don't have enough talent, you'll often feel unworthy.

You will judge yourself harshly, overemphasize your weakness, and obsess over your own flaws and blind spots.

Let's face it: if you don't see anything positive in yourself, how energetic, happy, and capable will you ever feel.

what do you want to do?

Practice self-compassion.

When you learn to treat yourself with love and encouragement, you will feel happy and at peace with yourself.

Celebrate your wins, praise your efforts, and be kind to your losses.

Congratulate yourself for trying.

3. Let go of anger and resentment

Poison isn't always something you eat or drink, it can be an emotion.

Anger and resentment are some of the most toxic feelings you can experience.

According to psychologists, these are typical examples of intense negative feelings that can drain you physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Often these feelings arise because you are still “living in the past” – often a painful, painful past.

You always hold a grudge against someone who has offended or offended you. If you want to move forward, you must have the courage to let go of the past.

Continuing to cling to the past and feeling anger and resentment about what happened will not help.

As Siddhartha Buddha once said:

Holding on to anger is like holding a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else; It is you who is burning.

Instead, what will liberate and revitalize your life is being able to let go of the past and free your mind from the toxic influence of the past.

what do you want to do?

Start with vigilance. Recognize what makes you angry and resentful.

If you think a particular experience from the past is too painful to let go of, sit down and take some time to think about it, then write down all your thoughts and concerns.

4. Anxiety and overthinking

People worry when they want to predict the future. They put their energy into trying to control how things go and what might not.

Often worrying about things you can't control is an exercise in futility.

It will only lead to uneasiness, restlessness, anxiety, and depression.

It's the same with overthinking.

You never get anything by thinking too much. This does not lead to a better result. All of this just drains your energy and wears you down physically.

what do you want to do?

Learn what you can't control and focus on what you can control.

When you focus on what you can control, you take back the power to feel what you want to feel.

5. Reckless use of social media

How we use social media affects our mood and energy.

Every moment you scroll through any social media platform, your news feed inspires you or makes you feel like crap.

If what you see and consume on social media are just photos and videos of friends and strangers who seem to be more successful than you, you'll start to feel like your life is worse than it is. is.

It drains your energy and makes you dissatisfied with yourself.

The truth is, there are a lot of fakes on social media for them to determine how you feel and how you're doing in life.

what do you want to do?

Well, social media can have a huge positive impact on your life.

Focus on yourself and focus on the aspects of social media that align with your goals. Instead of being a way to compare yourself to everyone else and feel bad about your life, use social media to inspire yourself and build meaningful relationships with people.

6. Control your sleep

Nothing rejuvenates your body and refreshes your mind like a good night's sleep.

While you sleep, your body heals itself and restores its chemical balance. Plus, your brain has time to detox and make new intellectual connections.

All of these processes aim to prepare your body and mind to feel better when you wake up. You must sleep at least 7 hours to achieve maximum sleep.

Unfortunately, most people have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Suffer from sleep disturbances and deprivation.

If you consistently sleep less than necessary, you're not giving your body time to rebuild itself. guess what? No hack can save your energy.

It drains your mental abilities and puts your physical health at risk.

And over time, it can have real long-term effects. Science has linked lack of sleep to many health problems, including being overweight.

what do you want to do?

Master your sleep habits to help you control the quality of your sleep.

This means organizing your sleep so that you wake up at the same time every day. Try to sleep the same amount each night.

If you want to improve your sleep, it's also important to write down what you do before your bedtime routine. Don't drink coffee for a few hours before bed, avoid alcohol, or eat heavy meals that interfere with your sleep.

Instead, meditate, record your thoughts, find something to read, or listen to an inspiring audiobook/podcast.

7. Take care of the food you eat

Healthy eating is a good way to feel better whether you know it or not, what you eat affects your energy levels, mood, and productivity.

In general, if you feel tired and exhausted and need a nap 30 to 45 minutes after a meal, you should change the composition of your diet.

Healthy foods that increase your daily energy include foods rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, lean meats, beans, and healthy fats such as olive oil.

Focus on getting enough of these important nutrients every day and give up the processed and unhealthy ones.

Processed foods cause a temporary increase in blood sugar and insulin levels. You get an instant energy boost, but it quickly follows an energy crash. In the long run, you will find yourself more tired.
